Dear members of the Emmanuel and Laurel Hall Community,
This is the fourth article in a continuing series of articles regarding the progress of our Call Committee. The committee is meeting to consider the Rostered Minister Profiles we have received from the Synod. They are a kind of a pastor resume. As you know, Pastor Tatum is among the candidates being considered. We have received this guidance from Bishop Brenda Bos:
Emmanuel Lutheran finds itself in a unique situation, in that the bishop has agreed to allow your current interim, the Reverend L.B. Tatum, to be considered as a candidate. While this may be an exciting option, it is also complicated. Naturally people will want to give their opinion about candidates, known or unknown, and the call committee people must politely say they are not allowed to discuss specifics. The call committee signed an agreement to keep their deliberations and the names of candidates confidential. This includes confidentiality in their own homes. Of course, the congregation knows the name of one of the candidates. It is not appropriate for the congregation or school community to share their opinions of this candidate with the call committee. Pastor Tatum will be given the same respect and discretion as the other candidates. He will need to know if he is moving forward in the process or being released from consideration and cannot know who is being released or continuing in the process. The committee will need to ensure Pastor Tatum is not on the property when they are meeting other candidates. The same questions must be used for Pastor Tatum as other candidates, even if the committee assumes they already know how he would answer.
To keep the deliberations as unbiased as possible, we encourage call committees to use the same questions for all candidates, not veering into deeper conversations until you are in the second or third interview. We encourage a ranking system, used immediately, to rank the answers given.
This is sacred but anxious work. I invite your congregation to pray constantly for the call committee in their discernment, and for the committee to always seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance. I am confident the right pastor will emerge. I am also confident the call committee will be blessed beyond measure by the experiences they are about to have. Our synod staff is standing by to support you.
As Bishop Brenda requests, our committee would sincerely appreciate that you keep us in your prayers as we begin our interview process. If you missed any of the past articles, they can be found on the Emmanuel web site Article #1 has a description of the full call process. You can reach us via email at:
Marshall Bowen, Call Committee Chair